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April 24-25, 2023: Stanford University, USA: >>The SDDS provides a valuable and important platform for inspiring interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of drug research and will support a fantastic networking experience. It provides a great resource for researchers, pharmaceutical companies, investment groups, and those in the wider biomedical community interested in discovering new drugs and improving patient care.<<

avisé labs is attending this event in person to establish new partnerships towards innovative medical applications that are fostered by intelligent software approaches.
We are looking forward to get connected with you in Stanford!     

Link to the conference:


avisé labs is excited about a new collaboration with the Stanford Skin Innovation and Interventional Research Group at Stanford Medical (visit SIIRG at:

Under the leadership of Stanford Clinical Professor Justin M. Ko, MD MBA, the SIIRG Team and avisé will plan to conduct comprehensive assessments of the biophysical properties of skin in patients with atopic dermatitis and seek to understand relationship with characteristics of the disease.

We are looking forward to this great collaboration and  joint research projects! 

Der Gastbeitrag unseres CEOs Marius Khan im Handelsblatt behandelt das Thema Kooperationen zwischen Start-ups und Pharmariesen für erfolgreiche KI-Entwicklung.


News, Talk

avisé labs is excited to be part of the next 5CC World Congress. This year virtual, we share our experience within the Session „The Brain behind the Brain – Optimizing Results with AI & Deep Learning“.

Especially in the complex medical domain it is crucial to work with an interdisciplinary team. Researchers, Clinicians, Computer Scientists – we all need to work together to achieve new insights in the medical field, powered by AI.

We are looking forward to discussing and to get to know new findings in the field of Medicine & AI.

Join us August 28 – 30, 2020

More Information can be found here:



Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus we have taken every precaution to work remote on our projects. In-person meetings, the participation in events and clinical trials have been suspended. However, remote work makes it still possible for us to further develop our software-intense projects. For any requests or questions you can get in touch with us via our contact form or email


Artificial intelligence (AI) and genetic tests will revolutionize diagnostics and therapies in aesthetic medicine in future. The German magazine “Bild der Frau” writes about avisé and its vision to bring artificial intelligence and aesthetic medicine together.
One research goal is to make skin analysis clearer and more transparent for medical specialists.

Read the article (german only) HERE


News, Talk

avisé labs attended the 5 Continent Congress in Barcelona from August 29 – September 1, 2019.
Within the session ‚Decoding the Future of AI & Deep Learning in Dermatology‘ avisé CEO, Marius Khan, gave a talk with the title ‚The Beauty of AI: Intelligent Solutions for Decision Support in Aesthetic Medicine‘. They discussed the work of avisé and the importance of AI in aesthetic medicine.